Fundraising, Volunteers and a Yearly Report at De-a Arhitectura

28/01/19 | Fundraising, Volunteers

De-a Arhitectura would not be half what it is today without the help of our volunteers, without our partners and sponsors and the work “behind the scenes” that our team strives to do better and better every single day. We are constantly looking for volunteer architects to enroll and teach in our programs, we are open to collaborating with partners and sponsors who believe in what we do and want to help us continue to educate the children for a better understanding of the built environment and the architecture that surrounds us.


We want to thank everyone who in 2018 believed in our work and supported us through the Tax Code law that provided taxpayers with the mechanism of redirecting 2% of the income tax due for the past year to a non-profit organization. The Buru family was kind enough to explain why they decided to redirect the 2% towards the De-a arhitectura exhibitions in an article here, in Romanian.

We are grateful to everyone who supported us last year at the 2018 Bucharest Swimathon, a swimming event where the community meets, interacts and engages to raise funds for the projects it considers relevant. We had three teams that “made waves” and raised money for our “De-a arhitectura in my school” (“Playing architecture in my school”) project: ARHimede 2018, NOD for De-a Arhitectura and the Romanian Bank.

Details here, here and here, in Romanian.

A big thank you goes out to Gabriela Szabo, retired Romanian runner and gold, silver and bronze Olympic medalist, and everyone who supported us at the fourth edition of Timotion, a fundraising event for community projects, organized by the Timisoara Community Foundation and Alergotura. Our runners and donors raised money for our “De-a arhitectura in my school” (“Playing architecture in my school”) course. The funds will go to the Electrotimis Technical College in Timisoara, Timis County, to build their project in 2019.

Details in Romanian, here.


As part of the support we offer teachers and volunteering architects in our programs, at the end of the school year we organize locally a feedback meeting to find out what problems the educators have encountered, how we can improve and help in the years to come. You can read an article in Romanian about the meeting that took place in Bucharest in June, here.

In order to keep close to our volunteers and find out what else they are involved in beside their work with our association, we’ve initiated a series of interviews. “This is who we are! De-a Arhitectura architects tell their stories” is about the volunteers that change the face of the world beyond the framework we have provided. We are happy each time we discover things we did not know about our volunteers, when we learn a little more from the story or the history behind the person. We are happy to be inspired by each and every one of them.

Read the series, in Romanian, here.

De-a Arhitectura Report

Each year we publish a report of our activity for the previous year. Read about our year in 2017, here.