De-a Arhitectura Mission
We build through education. Our construction grows when:
- Both children and adults understand and cherish the values of built environment and become active citizens in their local communities
- Built environment professionals get involved in society through education
- Play, experiments and creativity foster education
Who we are.
De-a Arhitectura is a community of built environment professionals and teachers shaping a better future through architecture education for children, youth and adults. Our programs foster creativity and innovation, and help children get ready for the real world.
In a decade we’ve reached over 30,000 pupils from Romania, with the help of over 1000 teachers and 1000 volunteer architects. Our educational programs take place mainly in schools in the form of optional courses, but also in museums and in architecture and design events.
What we stand for.
Our well-being depends on the quality of the built environment in which we live. Unfortunately, Romanian society does not understand this. That’s why, as a community of creatives, we aim to lay the foundations of a healthy culture of the built environment – Baukultur – through programs anchored in reality.
We hope that the younger generations will be aware of the impact that the built environment has on the natural one and of the need to get involved in creating a beautiful, livable, inclusive and sustainable environment.
Support of the Romanian Order of Architects.
The cultural program “De-a arhitectura – architecture and built environment education” was initiated in 2011, and since 2016 the Romanian Order of Architects (OAR) has decided that it should become a priority cultural program, because it meets the five criteria of priority cultural programs: scale, singularity, uniqueness, complexity and quality. The Romanian Order of Architects finances part of the programs of the Architecture Association through the “Stamp of Architecture”.
Short history.
De-a Arhitectura started in 2011, when arch. Mina Sava, urb. arch. Vera Marin, arch. Eliza Yokina and urb. arch. Claudia Pamfil outlined the ideas and principles that were the basis of the cultural program, and arch. Veronica Sava created its visual identity. In order to apply for funding from the “Stamp of Architecture”, in partnership with the Bucharest Territorial Branch of the Romanian Order of Architects (FTB OAR), a working group was formed, together with arch. Corina Croitoru and arch. Miruna Grigorescu, who wrote the application of the cultural program: “De a arhitectura – architecture and built environment education”. In 2012, the group coordinated the pilot development of the educational program “De-a arhitectura in my city” in 7 classes in Bucharest, with the help of the first 8 volunteer architects. The De-a Arhitectura Association was founded in January 2013 by the same team and has since grown to include over 70 associate members, teachers and professionals of the built environment.