Community Involvement

Donation to Apolodor Play Library in Labrador, within the National Library of Romania
Initiated in 2015 under the name “Play Room”, the De-a Arhitectura Association’s library and play library project for young architects materialized in 2016 as the “Apolodor Play Library in Labrador”, in partnership with the National Library of Romania and the Rotaract Club of Romania and Moldova.

Donation to the Architecture High School of Constanța
The De-a Arhitectura Association, together with Digital Spirit, donated school furniture to the “Regina Maria” National College of Arts.
In the current context, pre-university education is increasingly seen as a real, substantial, and long-term solution for having well-prepared specialists in the field of the built environment. It is part of the mission of the De-a Arhitectura Association to teach children what their role is in developing the cities of tomorrow, whether they become architects, urban planners, engineers, or whether they will be beneficiaries, investors, or users of buildings and cities. The city and its safety is the result of all its inhabitants, and working as a team is essential.