(Re)constructed interdisciplinarity

12-16 years

DURATION: 1 hour of class
IMPLEMENTATION OPTIONS: additional activity for various school subjects / architecture programs in schools
TYPE OF CURRICULUM: interdisciplinary and integrative
GUIDED BY: teacher (coordinator); online or pre-class support from an architect may be requested by the teacher if deemed necessary
PLACE: classroom/ school building or vicinity
ACTIVE: since 2020


Re-constructed Interdisciplinarity is a collection of ideas illustrating concepts extracted from subjects studied in middle school through the built environment, which is the place that observes us, influences us, and where we use knowledge from all fields. It’s the center where we all meet.

Thus, we aim to draw attention to the surrounding constructed reality and its multiple facets, showing, through short practical exercises, how various elements studied by students in school find relevant explanations, applications, or at least analogies here.

We undertake this approach by working from the start alongside teachers. Each topic is based on an idea submitted by a teaching staff member in the idea call organized and judged by the De-a Arhitectura Association together with partner teachers. The authors of the selected ideas then participated, along with architect teammates, in developing their proposals into interdisciplinary materials.

Without being lesson scenarios, but adaptable guides for each teacher based on the specifics of the class, the resulting activities are designed to be carried out during a class hour when the respective subject is studied or reviewed. They take place in the classroom or in the immediate vicinity of the school, work with usual school materials, and all make connections, through the node of the built environment, with concepts from other subjects studied by students.

The De-a Arhitectura Association will conduct selections of new ideas from teachers and will select the proposals that best meet the program criteria:

  • The connection between the concept and its practical explanation should be clear and natural.
  • The idea should generate age-appropriate activities, attractive to children, captivating, and stimulating teamwork.
  • The activity should have the potential to create connections with other subjects studied in school.


    arch. Cristina Dumitrescu, arch. Diana Stancu, graphics & video: Veronica Sava