Safety for schoolchildren

12-16 years

DURATION: 10 lessons + 1 final presentation
extracurricular activity
mathematics/physics/chemistry/informatics/technology teacher + a parent volunteer (from the professions: engineer, architect, urban planner)
classroom + explore the school building and yard 


The idea of the project arose after the tragedy at Colectiv in 2015. The objective of the project was to respond to society’s need to be more aware of disaster preparedness (fire, earthquake), to have the basic information for their own safety, as well as for the safety of those around. All these things are rarely taught in our schools.

This time we aimed to reach schools through parents (among those with technical training and concerns – engineers, architects, urban planners, interior designers), who would contribute to the formation of their own children’s school community.

The educational material contains a set of flashcards, each dedicated to a concept, with explanations, icons and resources (see a link, invite a firefighter/architect/healthcare worker, etc.) to which is added guidance for explorations and analyzes of the school space in safety point of view. Three directions are pursued:

  • How we recognize that we and the buildings we frequently occupy are prepared to keep us safe in the event of a disaster;
  • How do we behave in the event of a disaster and what help can we expect from the institution (school), the authorities;
  • After the disaster – health, psychological help, solidarity.

Between 2017-2019 we donated these guides, upon request, to schools in the country.

List of schools 2017-2018
List of schools 2018-2019


material written and documented by arch. Oana Pavăl and architect Maria Cristina Găvozdea; content coordinator: arch. Miruna Grigorescu; project coordinator: arch. Corina Croitoru; graphics: arch. Veronica Sava