De-a arhitectura mini

6-9 years old

DURATION: 1 lesson/week for one school year
– one school year – first or second grade – optional class
– two school years – 1st grade + 2nd grade – optional class
TEACHING METHOD: learning by project
TYPE OF CURRICULUM: interdisciplinary and integrative (arts + sciences)
TEACHED BY: teacher + volunteer architect (resource person)
PLACE: the classroom, on an expedition around the school or in the locality
ACTIVE: since 2014


De-a arhitectura mini is an educational program that encourages children’s curiosity and joy to imagine and build with their own hands. A fairy tale inspires their imagination and hands-on activities through which they will illustrate the diversity of places and inhabitants through which the characters travel, making them aware of the deep connection between the design of the building, its location and its inhabitants.

The didactic material includes two chapters of 17 lessons each, in the first, “Grifonel and Semintica”, students explore and build individually each land presented in the story, and in the second “Towns, castles, fortresses” the project becomes collective, the pieces made individually forming the place that the two characters chose after their journey.

As in the case of the course for the 3rd and 4th grades, the architect-teacher tandem is welcome. However, the guide for this course is designed so that it can be taught only by the teacher. Each lesson has annexes with didactic materials from which you can start educational adventures.

We hope that through this course, together with all other De-a arhitectura brand activities, we will get even closer to our goal of encouraging children to do their special job as children: to imagine. We dare to hope, thus, in a future generation of adults initiated into the power and pleasure of imagining.
Parents will not miss any of this, considering that all children will want to present their works at home almost weekly.


arch. Claudia Bingöl (programme concept, text, drawings, curicullum), archi.t Mina Sava (course structure, editing, curriculum), ps teacher Gianina Vanca (school curriculum), int. arch. Mădalina Bold, arch. Aurelia Axente-Stan, ps teacher Cristina Petrescu, arch. Ioana Anghel-Rizea (digital version update), arch. Veronica Sava (digital version graphics).