De-a arhitectura at home

6-18 years

DURATION: variable
IMPLEMENTATION OPTIONS: individual activity at home/ additional activity for De-a arhitectura programs in schools/ extracurricular/ De-a arhitectura Club workshops
CURRICULUM TYPE: resource that explains various notions of the built environment
GUIDED BY: it can also be done without an architecture guide
PLACE: home/classroom
– individual for #DeaarhitecturaAtHome Challenge, made by parents for children under 16 years old, at
– without registration, YouTube resources can be used outside the Challenge registration period
ACTIVE: from 2020


A series of free built environment education resources that can be carried out both at home and in the classroom, without guidance from an architect. Some are inspired by concepts explained in the De-a Arhitectura educational programs, others complement these concepts, and others open new connections with fields related to the built environment. The activities invite children of all ages, both young and old, to discover the neighborhood, city, or village they live in and to delve into fantastic worlds with fairy tale characters. The resources are easy to use, don’t require special equipment, and can be made with materials you find around the house. However, the objectives of each activity can only be achieved if the steps and requirements from the video are carefully followed.

For each new resource we create, we launch the online challenge # DeaArhitecturaAtHome. If you want to join and have your proposal published on the De-a Arhitectura channels, we recommend:

  • to carefully watch the video;
  • to read the authors’ challenge suggestions and make sure you understand what needs to be done;
  • to choose the most successful photos, making sure everything is clearly visible, there’s enough light, and the project is well-framed in the image, with a maximum size of 3MB.


    Challenge 16 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    My Kind of House
    9+ years
    My kind of house

    Challenge 15 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    Sense your house!

    6-12 years

    Challenge 14 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    Arch-happy Calendar
    6-14 years
    Arch-happy Calendar: December joy
    Arch-happy Calendar: remembering December joy

    Challenge 12 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    Casting the Building
    13+ years
    Film houses festival – photo
    Film houses festival – gif 1
    Film houses festival – gif 2

    Challenge 11 #DeaArhitecturaAcasa
    Monument, who are you?
    all ages
    Tour of architecture monuments

    Challenge 10 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    Comics about inflated characters. Oh, and deflated ones.
    9-12 years
     The tour of comic strips with inflated characters… ah, and deflated ones
    Drawing again cute comic strips with inflated characters…

    Challenge 9 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    Creative recycling in your room
    14-18 years

    Challenge 8 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    Cities with water streets
    6-12 years
    Tour of cities with water streets
    New adventures in cities with water streets

    Challenge 7 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    Traveling house
    6-12 years
    Traveling houses: magic and imagination
    Traveling House: naughty travels

    Challenge 5 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    Obstacle course
    12-18 years

    Challenge 4 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
     Animal-inspired chairs
    6-9 years
    Aminal inspired chairs: friendly cows

    Challenge 3 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    Castles for birds
    6-9 years
    Castles for birds: playful nests

    Challenge 2 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    100+ Streetviews
    9-12 years
    100+ Streetviews: past and future streets

    Challenge 1 #DeaArhitecturaAtHome
    Towers with their heads in the clouds
    6-9 years
    The most… tower with its head in the clouds
    Another kind of… towers with their heads in the clouds

    int. arch. Mădalina Bold, arch. Aurelia Axente-Stan, arch. Cristina Dumitrescu, arch. Monica Popescu, arch. Diana Stancu, graphics & video: Veronica Sava